A little snooker treat

18:55:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

These are really frustrating times for a true snooker loopy, since there are so many competitions and tournaments and none of them are televised. At least, from my point of view this really sucks :(
But the nice boys from the South West Snooker Academy, which holds the World Open Qualifier, have a very adorable surprise for all of us. Whaaaaaaaat? I hear you, I hear you! :))
Well, they`ve decided to broadcast LIVE the entire event. So, tomorrow please visit their web-site : http://www.southwestsnookeracademy.com/index.html and get your share of snooker. :)

If your`re interested in who`s playing, here`s the list.

P.S. I just want to add, that what Mr. Paul Mount and his brave team accomplished with the South West Snooker Academy it is amazing. They built the whole location from zero (if you want to see the entire process, you can see the photos on FaceBook) and they held "The Pink Ribbon Tournament" (where monsieur Jimmy While reached the finals), a competition that wanted to make a strong statement of this dangerous and cruel disease called breast cancer. So a big amount of money from this tournament was given away to charity.

For this and for what they have done for snooker, I take a bow and applaud them. Great job, you guys! :)

Here, you can see Mr. Paul Mount`s emotional speech at the grand opening of the SWSA.