EPTC 4 - Day 2

19:51:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Second day of the EPTC 4 event
With Power Snooker capturing all our attention some of us maybe have forgotten that some beautiful and entreating classic snooker was being played in the second day of the EPTC 4 event in the bran new South West Snooker Academy from Gloucester, UK.
Another group of eight players were on their run to the Last 16 round, although, as we speak the competition has reached the semis. Don’t worry, I shall tell you about that and about who’s the winner, a bit later, ok? :-))

The one who surprised us during the last EPTC event from Germany, the Irish Ken Doherty was also in a very good form yesterday, as he defeated 4-1 Belgium’s Bjorn Haneveer, ended on a very tight 4-3 scoreline the match against Daniel Wells and beat Matthew Stevens 4-2. Following his footsteps :-P the 2010 World Championship runner-up Graeme Dott, beat Jamie O’Neil 4-1, the 2010 Shanghai Masters runner-up, Jamie Burnett 4-2 and ended his day with a whitewashed on PTC 3`s winner, Tom Ford 4-0.

Stephen Maguire secured his place into the Last 16
Stephen Maguire booked himself a place into the Last 16 round, after winning 4-2 over Tony Knowles, 4-3 over Hong Kong cue-man, Marco Fu and 4-2 over Joe Perry, Anthony Hamilton beat Kishan Hirani 4-1 and Allan Taylor and Stuart Bingham by a 4-2 scoreline, as for Ben Woollaston he had a very good day also, for he won the match played against "The Mighty Mouse" Anda Zhang 4-1, defeated Leo Fernandez 4-3 and EPTC 2`s runner-up, Matthew Couch by 4-2.
It seems that it’s an unwritten rule that at least one Chinese player has to reach the Last 16, this time, Liu Chuang being the one :-)))), as he crashed Joe Swail 4-0 and beat Andrew Higginson and Ryan Day 4-2.

Graeme Dott playing great snooker
The last two to secure a place into the next round were Gerard Greene, after winning the battles against Rory McLeod 4-3 and Michael Wasley 4-1 (only two matches were mentioned because the one against Stefan Gerst doesn’t have a score, until this hour!) but also Liam Highfield who hammered Christopher Henry 4-0, defeated the Irish Fergal O’Brien 4-2 and ended on a tight 4-3 the match against Anthony McGill.

Still not list for the century breaks, so we’ll have to wait until the end of the tournament, but you can check the results here.
See you later for some stories about the last day of the EPTC 4 event. ;-)


EPTC 4 - Ziua 2

19:51:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

A doua zi de EPTC 4
Cu Power Snooker ruland toata ziua la "teveu" multi dintre noi au uitat ca mai exista si snooker clasic jucat intr-o fumoasa si nou restaurata Academie de Snooker din Gloucester, Marea Britanie. :-P Ei bine, ieri inca un grup semetz format din opt jucatori si-au "rezolvat" toate meciurile (trei la numar) pentru un loc in optimile de finale de astazi. Fireste, in momentul de fata deja, s-a ajuns in faza de semifinale, insa va voi povesti mai pe seara ce s-a petrecut si cine a castigat, ok? :-))

Ken Doherty, una dintre surprizele placute din EPTC-ul trecut nu s-a dezis nici in prezenta competitie, ajungand pana in faza optimilor, dupa ce a trecut cu 4-1 de belgianul Bjorn Haneever, cu un stras 4-3 de Daniel Wells si cu 4-2 de galezul Matthew Stevens, iar finalistul din Campionatul Mondial 2010, Graeme Dott l-a urmat indeaproape pe irlandez dupa ce l-a invins pe Jamie O`Neil cu scorul de 4-1, pe finalistul Shanghai Masters 2010, Jamie Burnett cu 4-2 si l-a eliminat fara doar si poate pe detinatorul titulului de campion PTC 3, Tom Ford cu 4-0.

Stephen Maguire merge mai departe
Stephen Maguire a trecut cu 4-2 de Tony Knowles si Joe Perry si cu 4-3 de Marco Fu, Anthony Hamilton i-a invins pe Kishan Hirani cu 4-1 si pe Allan Taylor si Stuart Bingham cu 4-2, iar Ben Woolaston a castigat in fata chinezutului Anda Zhang cu 4-1, l-a invins cu 4-3 pe Leo Fernandez si a incheiat ziua cu un scor de 4-2 in fata finalistului EPTC 2 Matthew Couch.
Regula de baza pentru aceste EPTC -uri este, se pare, ca macar un chinezut sa ajunga in runda optimilor :-)), de aceasta data "insarcinatul" fiind Liu Chuang care i-a invins pe Joe Swail cu 4-0 si pe Andrew Higginson si Ryan Day cu 4-2.
Ultimii doi inscrisi in urmatoarea runda au fost Gerard Greene, in urma victoriilor obtinute in fata lui Rory McLeod (4-3) si Michael Wasley (4-1) (avem doar doua meciuri pentru ca cel purtat impotriva lui Stefan Gerst nu beneficiaza de scor, pana la aceasta ora!) dar si Liam Highfield, care a trecut cu scorul de 4-0 de Christopher Henry, cu 4-2 de irlandezul Fergal O`Brien si cu 4-3 de Anthony McGill.

Graeme Dott, calificat in optimile de finala
Din pacate, Martin Gould, Tom Ford si Matthew Stevens s-au vazut nevoiti sa paraseasca competitia; dupa ce Martin l-a invins cu un curat 4-0 pe Lewis John Calcutt s-a vazut batut cu 4-2 de Tom Ford, care la randul sau a trecut cu 4-3 de Andrew Milliard doar ca in ultimul meci sa piarda cu 4-0 in fata lui Graeme Dott. Galezul Stevens desi a inceput cu un frumos scor de 4-1 in meciul impotriva lui Martin O`Donnell si a continuat cu acelasi 4-1 in fata lui Paul Davison, a fost rapus cu 4-2 de catre Ken Doherty.

Inca nu avem lista break-urilor de 100+, asa ca vom astepta pana la finele competitiei pentru a o afisa aici pe blog. Pana atunci insa, puteti verifica ultimele scoruri aici.
Ne revedem pe seara pentru ultima zi de EPTC 4! :-)


The fast and the furious of snooker - Power Snooker

17:33:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

The 2010 Power Snooker Champion - Ronnie O`Sullivan
Yesterday the grand and luxurious event named Power Snooker had its world premiere. And it was such a joy to be part of it (and when I say this it means that I watch it on the telly :-P)!
The O2 Arena was filled with people who were very anxious to see their snooker idols perform all day long and I think they enjoyed every moment of the game....especially at the end when too much drink made them too loud for my taste :-P Well, that’s something to be worked on, on future editions. Let’s keep it fun and entertaining but let’s not make a not a football match out of it. ;-)

Anyway, putting aside the constant noise, Power Snooker was definitely a blast that most of the viewers enjoyed watching. I know I did! :-))
This edition started with the match between the magnificent Ronnie O`Sullivan and the prodigy Luca Brecel. And what a better match to start with, since this competition seems to have been made for Ronnie :-)).
A 20 minutes shot clock, that crazy Power Ball that once potted, triggers a 2 minutes run of doubling the points received for every potted ball, and the Power Zone (that we got used to hear from the referee’s mouth so may times) that means that you receive twice the points for your pots, as well. And, of course that if you are in that 2 minutes time and you pot a ball with the cue ball being in the Power Zone, that means that your points will quadruple! I just love this word! :-)))

So, needless to say that the match between Ronnie and Luca ended with the Rocket’s victory, right? To be more precise the score was 338-196 for O`Sullivan, who became the first semifinalist. Whooohoooo, for the Rocket! :-))

The Jester and The Captain`s clash
The next match on the board: Mark Selby and Ali Carter. I was a fun match to watch as we all know that “The Jester from Leicester" is a true entertainer and "The Captain" knows how to capture your attention, but in the end we still had to have a winner...and that winner was Ali Carter. The final score 206-222 for Carter. It was the tightest match of the competition!

"The Whirlwind" was next as he took on "The Chinese Sensation", Ding Junhui. Ding looked very happy and he had a constant smile on his face, which was pretty odd, since the guy is an "ice figure", as for Jimmy ....he received the warmest welcome of the day from the existed crowd. It’s such a joy to see Jimmy is loved and respected by the true fans of snooker! The match ended on a 315-246 score, for Ding....who seemed to rise from the dead, for he was in such a poor form lately, but not yesterday! ;-)
The last match of the knock-out stage was the one between Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy. A pretty tight one, but in the end Shaun won with a 317-274 scoreline. The World Champion was out of this competition. That was a shock, to be honest!

The Legend - Jimmy White
The evening started with the semis, the first one having Ronnie and Ali on the run for a place in the final and the second having Ding and Shaun as the mighty Power Snooker knights. It was as easily as always for 'The Rocket" to win 490-234 as for Ding...he booked himself also a place in the final with a 263-132 scoreline over "The Magician".
But before we were to see who was lifting this first edition’s trophy, Ali Carter and Shaun Murphy were playing to establish the third and forth place. Ali, or "The Mustard Man" as people were calling him, because of his shirt’s color, won with an amazing 299-102 score over Murphy to cash his £ 8,000 prize (if I’m not wrong) and wave us from the 3rd place.

So this was it, the big final! Ronnie O`Sullivan was to fight Ding Junhui. And it was pure madness, as the crowd was screaming like hell every time the Power Ball was potted and also for the brown one and singing for every player when they were on the table. Too loud, I think. Anyway, this didn’t stopped Ronnie from taking the lead with a beautiful 572 - 258 score over Ding and claim his Power Snooker title. Not to be rude or anything, but did you expect anyone else to win this? I mean, it’s "The fast and the furious" of snooker for crying out loud! It had Ronnie’s name written all over it! This competition is made for the fast and Ronnie is by far one of the fastest snooker players in the world...so, he won it fair and square! ;-)

What more can I say? Power Snooker is very entertaining and great fun to watch. It’s like watching an action film and you get so lost in it that it’s impossible not to like it. It’s like you’re being eaten by the telly when you watch it. It has a new and exciting format, it has great names, it has all the perfect ingredients for a day of snooker. And the fact that each match lasts only 30 minutes, gives you the time to grab a bite :-))) 

View from the top - Power Snooker
Lately a lot of words have been written on the subject that snooker needs to be changed and that the World Championship semis or even the big final will need to be shortened. I don’t agree! Power Snooker is fun and everything, but it’s just that....Power Snooker! Classic snooker and to be more precise the World Championship it’s a true test of vigilance, patience, strong nerves and strength and it should remain the same.
Let’s not mix them but try and enjoy them both, shall we? ;-)

In the end I want to give my sincere congratulations to the organisers and to all the players, but most of all to the Champion - Ronnie O`Sullivan! He did it! :-)


Furios si iute in snooker - Power Snooker

17:33:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Ronnie O`Sullivan, campionul Power Snooker 2010
Ieri s-a desfasurat marea si gradioasa competitie, Power Snooker in arena O2, din Londra. Un spectacol cu multe lumini, nume mari, audienta vesela (poate mult prea vesela pe alocuri) si fireste mult snooker. Mult snooker, insa ceva mai diferit; totusi nu atat de diferit incat sa nu capteze atentia celor mai sceptici dintre noi. Nu, nu a fost o punerea in scena a vreunui joc de pe calultator asa cum unele persoane au sugerat, nu a fost nici vreo scorneala care sa nu aiba pic de clasa in ea - a fost un spectacol de snooker mai rapid si mai ... furios. :-P
Cu siguranta va trebui sa se mai lucreze la capitolul "bem si urlam ca la un meci de fotbal", insa in rest a fost un show cat de poate de reusit.

S-a inceput cu meciul dintre magnificul Ronnie O`Sullivan (ambasadorul acestei competitii) si speranta Belgiei in ale snooker-ului, Luca Brecel. Si oare cu ce meci sa incepi, daca nu cu unul in care "The Rocket" e cap de afis? Fara suparare, dar Ronnie se muleaza perfect pe acest format rapid. Lovituri limitate de timp (20 de secunde), un Power Ball, care dupa ce a fost inscrisa da startul a 2 minute in care orice alta bila inscrisa valoareaza dublu si sa nu uitam fireste de Power Zone-ul (nume pe care l-am auzit obsesiv din gura "arbitreselor"), locusor unde daca iti pozitionezi strategic bila alba si inscrii ceva, atunci la fel primesti punctaj dublu. Si asa ca super bonus al logicii, daca esti in timpul celor 2 minute si mai si inscrii din Power Zone, atunci primesti de 4 ori mai mult puncte! Eeee? Palpitant! Asa se face ca sa vezi scoruri de ordinul sutelor nu mai pare atat de ciudat :-))

Meciul dintre Selby si Carter
Si dupa cum va spuneam, primul meci al serii - Ronnie vs. Luca. Mai are cineva vreo indoiala cine a castigat? Fireste ca Ronnie! :-)) Si cu un scor absolut bestial de 338-196! Pam, pam! :-))
Urmatorul meci pe lista, ii avea ca protagonisti pe Mark Selby si Ali Carter. A fost un meci de exceptie pentru ca "The Jester" stie sa faca atmosfera, iar "The Captain" stie cum sa atraga atentia. S-au distrat ce s-au distrat cei doi, insa in final cineva trebuia sa castige, acel cineva fiind de aceasta data - Ali Carter. Cu un scor destul de strans insa, 206-222.

Venise insa vremea ca "The Whirlwind" sa paseasca in scena, pentru a se razboi cu chinezul Ding Junhui. A fost extrem de placut sa vedem primirea calduroasa pe care Jimmy a primit-o din partea publicului prezent, iar in ceea ce-l priveste pe Ding...noroc cu urechiile din dotare, pentru ca altfel ar fi avut un zambet circular, la cat de fericit era. :-)) 

Legenda - Jimmy White
Desi Dingushor a fost intr-o forma cam slabuta in ultima vreme, ieri seara a reusit sa il invinga cu 315 la 246 pe Jimmy White, pentru a-si face loc in finala.
Ultimul meci al serii (din etapa de knock-out) a fost cel dintre campionul mondial Neil Robertson si Shaun Murphy. Ciudat sau nu, Neil s-a vazut scos din joc cu un scor de 317-274. 

Mai pe inserat, am avut parte si de semifinale; prima intre O`Sullivan si Carter (incheiata 490-234 pentru "The Rocket"... pe principiul " Like dhaaa!" :-))) ) si cea de-a doua, intre Ding Junhui si Shaun Murphy (incheiata 263-132 pentru Ding...pe principul "wow!, s-a trezit dragonul!" :-)))) ).
Aveam sa vedem o finala frumoasa, insa pana la ea Ali si Shaun se bateau in tacuri contra-cronometru pentru finala mica. "The Captain" a excelat cu un scor final de 299-102 pentru care a incasat 8.000 lire sterline (daca nu am insel) si ne-a facut bucuros cu mana de pe locul trei.

Dar iata ca sosea si finala mult asteptata: Ronnie O`Sullivan - Ding Junhui!!!!! Audienta era deja in delir de la atata alcool pe care il ingerase, asa ca se apucara sa cante pentru fiecare jucator in parte. Destul de deranjant! Insa nu a fost deranjant pentru " The Rocket" care a venit setat pentru un scor dinal de 572-258, astfel devenind primul castigator al Power Snooker. Si sincer, avea cineva dubii? Serios, omu` e facut pentru un format rapid! :-P

In final ce as mai putea sa adaug? Mie una mi-a placut! A fost un show frumos, ca un fel de film de actiune la care ajungi sa devi lipit de ecran pana la sfarsit, desi cam vezi unde duce scenariul. Este o varianta de "Furios si iute" in snooker si sunt sigura ca a prins la public. Ceea ce mai trebuie schimbat este "interactiunea dintre public si jucatori", in rest mi se pare o idee superba: are nume mari, are viteza, are esenta, are clasa, are tot ce-i trebuie!

Vedere de sus a arenei Power Snooker
In ultima vreme s-a vorbit despre schimbarea unor reguli in snooker-ul clasic. Dupa "cel mai bun din 5" de la World Open si Power Snooker, probabil ca multi jucatori si-au inchipuit ca se va "umbla" si la formatul mult prea lung de la Campionatul Mondial. Personal mi se pare o tampenie! Power Snooker e Power Snooker, snooker-ul clasic e snooker clasic. Ideea de a interveni si a scurta semifinalele si chiar marea finala de la mondiale e absoult aberanta! Campionatul Mondial este un adevarat test de vigilenta, stapanire de sine, rabdare si perseverenta si asa ar trebui sa si ramana!
Mai bine sa ne bucuram pentru ambele formate si sa nu le amestecam, nu? :-P

In final....mai adaug doar atat : Felicitari campionului Power Snooker, Ronnie O`Sullivan! Ai reusit, maestre! :-)


EPTC 4 - Day 1

04:58:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

The South west Snooker Academy
Although the EPTC 4 event was supposed to take place in Germany, due to the fact that Power Snooker is on this weekend and that many players are registered for the EPTC but also for the Power Snooker competition the organisers thought it was for the best to stay home this time. Meaning in the UK. So, what better place to stage this EPTC event than the brand new and re-opened South West Snooker Academy from Gloucester? I remember Chris de Burgh song: " I’ve got the roses, I’ve got the wine..." and SWSA has the perfect venue, has the perfect conditions, so it’s just ...perfect! :-)) Now, seriously the SWSA`s team worked real hard and they deserve to host such an important event.

On October 28 the qualifying round started, with only six players on the run...and in the end one of them withdraw from the competition:-P So, the matches played were: Luca Brecel - Stuart Carrington, ended 4-0 for Stuart, Martin O’Donnell-David Singh, ended 4-1 for Martin and Andrew Milliard - Jamie Rhys Clarke, ended in favor of Andrew since Jamie being the one who withdraw from the event.

Lisowski into the Last 16
But on October 29, that’s when the action really started, for the snooker players where fighting for a place in the Last 16 round, and we all know how important that is. Three matches per day to be won so they can qualify into the next round. And that was about to come true for eight of them.
The EPTC 2 champion, the Englishman Shaun Murphy booked himself a nice place in the next round, by crashing Gary Thomson 4-0, beating Igor Figueiredo 4-1 and the EPTC 1 winner, Judd Trump 4-0 as the PTC 2 champion, Mark Selby followed him by, as he defeated Kyren Wilson 4-2, the Thai Noppon Saengkham 4-1 and Matthew Selt 4-2.

A very nice surprise to see the youngster Jack Lisowski into the Last 16, for he beat Simon Bedford and David Gilbert 4-1 and Mark Joyce 4-2, but also for Andrew Norman who won 4-3 over the PTC 5 winner, Ding Junhui and Mark Allen and 4-2 over David Grace.
Stephen Lee had a very prolific day, as he defeated James Brown by a 4-2 scoreline, the legend Jimmy White with a tight 4-3 score and the Chinese Liu Song with a 4-2 result, Joe Jorgia secured himself a place to play snooker on Sunday, as he beat Marc Harman 4-1, Xiao Guodong 4-3 and whitewashed Andy Hicks 4-0, Mark Davis sign his victory against Patrick Eisle 4-0, Ricky Walden 4-1 and Jamie Jones 4-2 and as for Peter Ebdon he did what he does mainly in every competition, meaning he reaches the next stage by winning 4-0 over Joe Delaney, 4-3 over Jimmy Robertson and hammering Stuart Carrington by a 4-0 score.

Not a very lucky day for the snooker legends, as Jimmy White won his first match against Duoane Jones 4-1, but lost in front of Stephen Lee 4-3 and Steve Davis although he succeeded in obtaining a wonderful 4-0 victory in the match played against Alfie Burden, lost in the second one to Matthew Selt 4-3.

Mark Davis had a very good day
Ali Carter defeated the one and only Ladies` champion, Reanne Evans by a crushing 4-0 score by saw himself losing 4-1 to Jamie Jones, Neil Robertson beat David Morris 4-1, but lost 4-2 to the Chinese Liu Song (this was the Australian fault too, for he was late and he was docked a frame) and the EPTC 3 winner, Marcus Campbell was eliminated from his first match, after losing 4-3 to the Thai Thanawat Thirapaipongboon.
Here you can check all the results.

It’s been a very surprising day, as many great names lost "very easily" their battles....and I think it has something to do with the fact that Power Snooker is about to start and they are too anxious to get to the revolution :-)) This will probably motivate Ronnie O`Sullivan`s absence, as he made a statement last week to come and play in this EPTC event, but ....he didn’t. That wasn’t a very pretty picture, I tell you that!

So, today it’s going to be pure madness, for we have the EPTC 4 event but we also have Power Snooker. That by the way it’s being covered by ITV 4, from 1:00 pm (UK time) but also by EuroSport. So be sure to check your TV guide for the Snooker Revolution is about to start!!! :-))


EPTC 4 - Ziua 1

04:58:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

South West Snooker Academy
Desi se anunta ca cel de-al patrulea eveniment din seria EPTC-urilor sa aibe loc tot in frumoasa Germanie, faptul ca Power Snooker incepe astazi, iar multi dintre jucatori sunt inscrisi pe ambele liste, s-a decis ca in final evenimentul sa se tina in Marea Britanie. Si ce loc ar putea fi mai potrivit, decat proaspata detinatoare ale unor "hainute" noi-noute (in urma renovarii de o luna), South West Snooker Academy din Gloucester? Cum ar spune Chris De Burgh " I`ve got the roses, I`ve got the wine..." asa si baietii de la Academie " Au locatia, au dotarile necesare" pentru care s-a muncit mult, asa ca...e practic locul perfect. :-))

S-a inceput in data de 28, cu ceea ce vrea sa semene a runda de calificare...spun asta pentru ca doar sase nume s-au inscris, dintre care unul s-a retras. :-P Asadar meciurile disputate au fost cele dintre : Luca Brecel si Stuart Carrington, incheiat 4-0 in favoarea lui Stuart, Martin O`Donnell - David Singh, incheiat 4-1 pentru Martin si Andrew Milliard -Jamie Rhys Clarke, incheiat in favoarea lui Andrew intrucat Jamie nu s-a mai prezentat.

Lisowski merge in runda urmatoare
Competitia propriu-zisa s-a desfasurat incepand insa cu data de 29, cand "snookeristii de garda" s-au batut si razbatut pentru un loc in optimile de finala.
Castigatorul EPTC 2, englezul Shaun Murphy a inceput destul de bine aceasta competitie, trecand cu 4-0 de Gary Thomson, cu 4-1 de brazilianul Igor Figueiredo si din nou cu 4-0 de castigatorul EPTC 1, Judd Trump, iar detinatorul trofeului PTC 2, Mark Selby si-a auto-alocat si el un loc in optimi, invingandu-i pe Kyren Wilson cu 4-2, pe Noppon Saengkham cu 4-1 si pe Matthew Selt cu scorul de 4-2.

O surpriza foarte placuta sa-l vedem ca merge in etapa urmatoare pe una dintre tinerele sperante ale snooker-ului, Jack Lisowski, acesta inregistrand rezultate bune impotriva lui Simon Bedford (4-1), Dave Gilbert (4-1) si Mark Joyce (4-2), dar si Andrew Norman, care a trecut cu 4-3 de Ding Junhui si Mark Allan si cu 4-2 de David Grace.

Stephen Lee a avut o zi extrem de productiva trecand cu 4-2 de James Brown, cu un strans 4-3 de legenda Jimmy White si cu 4-2 de chinezul Liu Song, Joe Jorgia si-a inscris si el numele pe lista ocupantilor din optimi, dupa ce i-a invins pe Marc Harman cu 4-1, Xiao Guodong cu 4-3 si pe Andy Hicks cu un curat 4-0, Mark Davis si-a adjudecat si el trei victorii consecutive in meciurile sustinute cu Patrick Einsle, pe care l-a invins cu un definitiv 4-0, cu Ricky Walden, pe care l-a devansat cu 4-1 si cu Jamie Jones, pe care l-a batut cu scorul de 4-2, iar Peter Ebdon nu s-a dezmintit nici de aceasta data, ajungand in urmatoare runda dupa ce si-a infrant adversarii, si anume pe Joe Delaney cu 4-0, pe Jimmy Robertson cu 4-3 si pe Stuart Carrington cu 4-0.

Mark Davis in optimile de finala
O zi prea putin norocoasa pentru legendele snooker-ului, Jimmy White castigand primul meci importiva lui Duane Jones (4-1), insa fiind infrant cu 4-3 de Stephen Lee, iar  Steve Davis reusind un magnific scor de 4-0 in meciul sustinut impotriva lui Alfie Burden, dar pierzand la mustata cu 4-3 intrevederea cu Matthew Selt.
Ali Carter a reusit sa o invinga pe Reanne Evans cu 4-0, insa a fost infrant in meciul secund de Jamie Jones cu 4-1, Neil Robertson a castigat prima batalie in fata lui David Morris cu 4-1, insa a pierdut-o pe cea impotriva lui Liu Song cu 4-2 (aici a fost si vina australianului pentru ca a intarziat si ca drept urmare i-a fost anulat un frame), iar castigatorul EPTC 3, Marcus Campbell a "zburat" inca din primul meci, pierdut cu scorul ingrat de 4-3, in fata thailandezului Thanawat Thirapaipongboon.
Puteti consulta lista de rezultate aici.

Asadar, o zi plina de surprize in care numele grele "s-au cam dat la fund"...insa stim noi de ce...Power Snooker incepe azi si baietii se pregatesc de distractie :-)) Poate asta ar motiva si absenta lui Ronnie O`Sullivan din acest EPTC, desi a anuntat in prealabil ca sigur va veni....hm...sa zicem ca e motivat, desi bate a lipsa de respect sa spui o treaba si sa nu te ti de cuvant. Dar, ce sa-i faci? Asa e Ronnie! :-P

Ziua de azi se anunta a fi una nebunaaaaaa!!! Avem ziua cu numarul 2 de EPTC 4, insa si Power Snooker. Care, apropo se transmite si pe EuroSport, asa ca de la ora 15:10 va invit sa fiti partasii Revolutiei de Snooker!!! :-))


A Norwegian snooker story with Anita Rizzuti

16:39:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

The dreamy Norway
Norway – a far, far away yet magnificent land. What it’s the first word that comes to your mind when you think of Norway? If you are a kid, then it’s probably Santa Claus, if you are mad about music it could be A-Ha or Jan Garbarek, if you are a geography lover then maybe the fiords will start flowing through your mind, if you are a geopolitician, maybe it’s oil or natural gas, but what if….we were to think about snooker and Norway? What would be the first world that should come to our mind? I’ll tell you: it’s Anita Rizzuti. ;-) And if you don’t know who she is, then please buckle up for I shall take you to a beautiful trip as I begin to tell you a “Norwegian snooker story” :-)

Although we have been used to connect snooker only with the UK, there is snooker going on all around the globe, even if the “flux” is maybe not as powerful and strong as in Britain. Norway is definitely one of those countries, where snooker is blooming as we speak. With 6-7 events per year, Norway is becoming more and more snookerich :-) There are 59 men in the Norwegian league, but in front of all those men is a wonder- woman. :-) Her name being - Anita Rizzuti.
Half Norwegian, half Italian she is that type of person who gets her strength from this country’s mighty ancestors, but we can’t overlook her kindness, modesty and that warm smile, that has written Latino all over it :-))
Anita was so gracious as to give me an interview that I would very much like to share with you guys.

Snooker Loopy: How did this passion for snooker start?

Anita Rizzuti: I started playing pool when I was about 11 or 12 years old, but I have been hooked on snooker since I was 19. I had a 47 break in my first frame and it took me two years to beat it. Then I was hooked for sure.

SL: You played in the qualifying rounds for the World Open tournament, back in August. How was it? Was it a good and interesting experience?

AR: Yes, yes, yes! It was unreal to play in a main tour event. Who would have thought? I was really nervous playing Alfie Burden but it was a really good experince for sure. Everyone I met there in Sheffield was so nice. I still can`t believe I`ve played in a main tour event. Hope I`ll get the chance to do it again, sometimes...

Anita Rizzuti in action
SL: How does a female snooker player feel in this world which is practically filled with male players? Have you ever felt like you are not taken seriously enough just because you are a woman?

AR: I must first say that I don’t really think about that a lot. I just love playing the game and I always try to win every frame I play. I have never felt like I wasn’t taken seriously because I’m a woman, not that I can remember anyway.

SL: I have a special rule for each interview and it is called “It’s bragging time!!!” :-)) I know you are a very modest person, but please feel free to share with our readers your achievements in snooker (titles, high breaks, anything you like).

AR: I have won the Nordic championships two times, but there were only a few women competing. I have been two-times a European Ladies Championship semi-finalist and two-times I have reached the quarter-finals in the World Ladies Championship.
My highest break in an official event is 68, as in practice is 104, so not much to brag about :-))

As you can see Anita is a very modest person, although she “graduated top of her class”. Why I’m saying this? Well, because she is number one in Norway as we speak. She is competing with female players as well as with male players, but in the end she kicks ass! ;-)

Along with her life partner, Kurt Maflin (you know the guy, for he is also a terrific snooker player, the first who hit a 147 break in this season’s PTC 1 event) she has a beautiful family. It seems though, that the snooker virus didn’t get the kids attention, for their beautiful young lady girl, Christiane has taken interest in football and the boy, Neon he’s only 2 years old so time will decide…although a little bird told me that Kurt hopes he’ll be into football too :-P

SL: Have you ever played against Kurt in an official match? If not, would you like that?

AR: I would like to but I don`t think I`ll have the chance I`m afraid. However, we did played in the same event in Norway a few years ago. There were two groups and I won all my matches in my group without losing a frame, Kurt did the same in his group and we had to play the pink from the spot (sudden death) to decide who was going to be top seed (she laughts).
Girls definitely rock!!!

It was so fun, I potted the first pink and Kurt missed his, so I got top seeded in a event that he was playing in...I`m still bugging him about that. I got beat in the event of course and Kurt won, but it is a good memory.

SL: I’m sure you have a favorite snooker player, can you tell us, who? Or maybe even more then one? If you want to nominate Kurt I’ll understand :-))

AR: (she laughs) Yes, I will nominate Kurt for sure, not because he is my boyfriend but because I think he is the best top 5 break builder in the world.
There are others: Stephen Hendry, Jimmy White, the Rocket, Mark Selby, Mark Williams and of course Reanne Evans, who I hope can get in there soon, with Kurt just in front.

Not a doubt that she is a joyful and a family person. And it’s nice to see that a top sport female can also take care of her family, although she confesses it gets lonely and hard sometimes when her partner is away playing, but she tends to forget when Kurt gets good results.
I really hope he can make it in snooker as he deserves it. As for me I try to get as much practice as possible, I play as many events as I can and I love it.”, she added.

As for the future, she is not the type of person to make “five-years ahead plans”. He says she will keep on playing in as many snooker events as possible in Norway and maybe, when her boy will be older she’ll take part in the European or the World Championship tournaments, as well.

SL: Do you have any advice for the boys and girls that want to make it in the snooker world?

AR: My advice is to get coaching very early. I think it’s important to know your strong and weak sides of the game, that way it’s easier to take the right decision for your shots in every frame. Also hard work, practice, practice and practice!

SL: And one more question to go: What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you think of snooker?

AR: Hard work…

Well, my dears I hope we all have learn an important and valuable lesson today. It’s important to know what you want in life, to fight for your dreams, to work for them, to never lose your faith and to always keep in mind that working is not everything.
Anita Rizzuti it’s an example of hard working person who made it into this sport, so “taken over” by men. I hope we will be hearing more of her in the following years, as she deserves to be mention in this beautiful and amazing world of snooker.

It’s been a privilege and an honor to make this interview because it’s nice to see that this world is not made up only of people who want to succeed no matter what, people who don’t give a damn about others or people too full of themselves, but also of sensitive yet strong people, who put their soul in everything they do. In the end, that’s the real deal! ;-)

I would like to wish Anita good luck with all her future projects and to thank her for agreeing to give me this interview.

Tusen takk! :-)


O poveste norvegiana despre snooker cu Anita Rizzuti

16:38:00 Ramona Dragomir 3 Comments

Minunata Norvegie, nu doar o tara a fiordurilor
Norvegia - un taram de vis indepartat. Care ar fi primul cuvant care v-ar veni in minte daca ar fi sa va ganditi la aceasta tara? Daca esti copil, poate ca Mos Craciun este primul gand, daca esti un impatimit al muzicii poate ca este formatia A-Ha sau Jan Garbarek, daca esti un mare iubitor de geografie, atunci cu siguranta magnificele fiorduri iti vor face cu ochiul, daca esti geopolitician de meserie poate te vei gandi la petrol sau gaze naturale....dar daca am lasa toate astea la o parte si am incerca sa asociem snooker-ul cu Norvegia? Care ar fi primul gand care ar trebui sa ne vina in minte? Va spun eu: este Anita Rizzuti. Iar daca numele ei nu va spune nimic,ei bine dragii mei puneti-va centurile de siguranta pentru ca sunteti pe cale sa luati parte la o frumoasa aventura "O poveste norvegiana despre snooker". :-)

Desi ne-am obisnuit sa asociem snooker-ul cu "tara-i muma" (aka Marea Britanie), snooker-ul a cuprins de-a lungul timpului un numar de-a dreptul impresionant de natiuni. Da, poate ca "fluxul" nu este atat de puternic ca in Marea Britanie, insa cu siguranta exista si ofera acestui sport respectul cuvenit. Una dintre aceste locatii, este Norvegia unde snooker-ul infloreste (in ciuda frigului permanent :-P) cu 6-7 competitii importante de snooker pe an. In liga norvegiana sunt inscrisi 59 de barbati, insa cea care face legea si ii bate de le merg fulgii este aceasta "wonder-woman" - Anita Rizzuti. :-)
Jumatate norvegianca, jumatate cu radacini italienesti, Anita este genul de persoana care isi datoreaza taria de caracter stramosilor norvegieni, insa nu pot sa trec cu vederea bunatatea, modestia si zambetul incredibil de cald, elemente "latino" pana in maduva "oaselor". :-))
A fost atat de amabila incat a acceptat sa-mi ofere un interviu, pe care fireste ca il voi impartasi aici cu voi, dragii mei. 

Snooker Loopy: Cum a inceput pasiunea pentru snooker?

Anita Rizzuti: Am inceput sa joc pool cand aveam cam 11-12 ani, insa m-am indragostit de snooker de abia pe la 19. Am reusit sa inscriu un break de 47 de puncte inca din primul frame jucat si mi-au trebuit 2 ani ca sa dobor acest record personal. Atunci, am stiut ca m-am indragostit iremediabil de snooker.

SL: Ai primit invitaia de a juca in etapa de calificare pentru World Open-ul din August 2010. Cum a fost? A fost o experienta reusita si interesanta?

AZ: Da, da, da! A fost atat de ireal sa joc in circuitul profesionist mondial. Cine ar fi crezut? Am avut foarte multe emotii cand am jucat impotriva lui Alfie Burden dar a fost o experienta foarte buna cu siguranta. Toata lumea s-a purtat atat de frumos cu mine, acolo in Sheffield! Nici acum nu-mi vine sa cred ca am participat! Sper sa mai am ocazia sa o fac...

Anita Rizzuti in actiune
SL: Cum se descurca o femeie jucatoare de snooker intr-o lume acaparata de barbati? Ai simtit vreodata ca nu esti luata destul de in serios doar pentru ca esti femeie?

AZ: Trebuie sa spun ca nici nu ma gandesc la asta. Imi place sa joc la nebunie si intotdeauna incerc sa castig orice frame joc. Nu am simtit niciodata ca nu as fi luata in serios...sau cel putin nu imi amintesc de vreun incident de acest fel.

SL: Am o regula speciala pentru fiecare interviu, se numeste " E timpul sa ne laudam!!!!" :-)) Stiu ca esti o persoana extrem de modesta, insa te rog impartaseste cu cititorii nostrii cateva dintre realizarile tale in snooker (premii, break-uri, orice crezi ca e relevant)

AZ: Am castigat Campionatul Nordic de 2 ori, dar nu fost decat cateva fete care au concurat. Am fost de 2 ori semi-finalista in cadrul Campionatului European de "Ladies" si de doua ori am ajuns in sferturile de finala ale Campionatului Mondial de "Ladies".
Cel mai mare break realizat intr-un meci oficial este 68, iar in timpul antrenamentului 104...dupa cum vezi nu prea am cu ce sa ma laud (imi spune razand).

E imposibil sa nu observi cat de modesta este Anita, desi este "cea mai tare din clasa". De ce spun asta? Pentru ca in momentul de fata este Numarul 1 in Norvegia. Joaca atat impotriva fetelor cat si impotriva baietilor, insa in final ea este marea invingatoare.
Alaturi de parterneul ei sau de viata, Kurt Maflin (il stiti pe baiat pentru ca si el este jucator de snooker, si a fost chiar primul care a reusit sa atinga break-ul maxim in primul PTC din acest sezon) are o familie frumoasa. Se pare insa ca virusul de snooker nu i-a prins si pe cei mici, domnisoara Christiane fiind mai mult interesata de fotbal, iar micutul Neon (in varsta de doar doi anisori) insa nu are preferinte sportive. Totusi o pasarica mi-a spus ca Kurt spera ca va lua calea fotbalului, la fel ca sora lui :-P

SL: Ai jucat vreodata impotriva lui Kurt intr-un meci oficial? Daca nu, ti-ar placea sa o poti face?

AZ: Mi-ar placea foarte mult, dar nu cred ca va fi posibil. Totusi, acum cativa ani am jucat impreuna in Norvegia. Era o competitie pe grupe. Eu am castigat toate meciurile din grupa mea, iar Kurt din a lui. Asa ca a trebuit sa inscriem bila roz aflata pe punctul ei (moarte sigura!) pentru a stabili cine intra in top. Eu am reusit din prima, insa Kurt a ratat. Iti dai seama? M-am calificat in top intr-o competitie unde Kurt juca de asemenea! Inca il mai necajesc cu treaba asta (rade). Fireste in final am pierdut, iar el a castigat...dar imi aduc aminte cu placere de aceste momente. :-)

SL: Sunt sigura ca ai un jucator preferat de snooker. Poti sa ne spui cine e? Sau poate chiar mai multi? Daca il vei nominaliza pe Kurt, voi intelege :-))

Girls rock!!!!!!
AZ: (rade cu pofta) Da, il voi nominaliza pe Kurt, dar nu doar pentru ca imi este partener, ci pentru ca in opinia mea este unul dintre cei mai buni 5 realizatori de break-uri din lume.
Fireste ca ii admir si pe Stephen Hendry, Jimmy White, The Rocket, Mark Selby, Mark Williams si de sigur Reanne Evans, care sper ca va ajunge printre ei...fireste Kurt fiind totusi pe pozitia fruntasa.

Fara indoiala ca este o persoana plina de viata si isi adora familia. Si este atat de placut sa vezi ca isi poate imbina activitatile zilnice de familista convinsa cu cele de sportiv de top. Mi-a marturisit ca ii este totusi destul de greu mai ales cand Kurt este plecat sa joace in afara tarii, insa uita totul cand aude ca a inregistrat rezultate bune.
"Sper din tot sufletul ca Kurt sa ajunga cat mai departe in acest sport pentru ca merita, iar in ceea ce ma priveste, joc cat pot de mult si iubesc acest lucru.", a adaugat Anita

In ceea ce priveste viitorul Anita nu este genul de persoana cu planuri cincinale la bord. Spune ca va continua sa joace in cat mai multe competitii, iar dupa ce micuztul va mai creste putin poate chiar se va inscrie pentru Campionatul European sau Mondial.

SL: Ce sfat le-ai da fetelor si baietilor care vor sa faca cariera in snooker?

AZ: Sa inceapa antrenamentul de la o varsta cat mai frageda. E important sa stii care iti sunt punctele forte si care nu, astfel incat sa stii ce decizie sa iei cand lovesti bilele. De asemenea este nevoie de multa munca si de antrenament, antrenament si iarasi antrenament!

SL: Si o ultima intrebare: Care este primul cuvant care iti vine in minte cand te gandesti la snooker?

AZ: Multa munca...

Dragii mei, sper ca am invatat cu totii o lectie valoroasa azi. Este extrem de important sa stii ce vrei de la viata, sa lupti pentru visurile tale, sa muncesti pentru ele, sa nu-ti pierzi niciodata speranta, dar totusi sa-ti aduci aminte ca munca nu inseamna totul.
Anita Rizzuti este un exemplu perfect al femei care a reusit sa preia comanda intr-o lume a barbatilor si sper ca vom auzi cat mai multe despre ea pe viitor pentru ca merita sa fie mentionata in aceasta lumea a snooker-ului.

A fost un privilegiu si o onoare sa pot face acest interviu pentru ca este intotdeauna placut sa vezi ca lumea nu este formata doar din oameni care vor totul si ar face orice pentru a-l obtine sau din oameni care sunt prea plini de inchipuitele lor talente, ci si din oameni simpli, sensibili si totusi extrem de puternici care isi pun o particica din suflet in tot ceea ce realizeaza. In final, asta e tot ce conteaza! ;-)

Ii multumesc Anitei pentru ocazia de a lua primul meu interviu si ii urez din tot sufletul, mult succes in toate proiectele de viitor! 

Tusen takk! :-)


The Premier League - The Rocket`s first victory

04:44:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Cue-Man-Fu is on top!
It was definitely a great night for snooker, as in Penrith Marco Fu was fighting Ding Junhui and Ronnie O`Sullivan was taking on Mark Williams. For those of you who watched them last night, you know what I’m talking about and for those of you who didn’t get the chance, then come on, I’m going to tell you what happened. :-)

The evening started with the Chinese battle: "Cue-Man-Fu" on one side and “The Chinese Sensation" on the other. Both of them had 4 points in their pockets, but Ding felt the pressure even more as this was his only left chance to gain some more points and secure himself a place in the final stages of this tournament.
The match started very smoothly for Fu, who won the first frame by firing in break of 11, 39 and 44 and ... it continued about the same way for the rest of the night. The second frame was opened with a 42 break hit by Marco, the end of it giving Ding a chance to win his first points, in the form of a tiny 17 break. However, he succeeded in potting a very difficult red and a very tight black, showing a lot of style and determination. Still in the end, Fu cross doubled a red and closed the frame with a break of 39 for a 2-0 lead in only 26 minutes.

The next frame was started with a series of safety shots, but Ding was the first to miss in securing his position, so his opponent came to the table for a 19, 13 and a 33 break. The score was becoming 3-0 and Ding could only hope for a draw in this situation.
And it looked like it was about to happen as he rushed in the next frame by potting ball after ball. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long, as he missed a red, this allowing the Hong Kong cue man to hit a 94 break and take the lead by a 4-0 scoreline. Fu won the match in that moment and earned two more precious points.

Not a very lucky night for Mark Williams
This was starting to smell like a whitewash, but Ding wasn’t going to be humiliated the second time in two weeks so he made a spectacular 71 break in the forth frame. If only he would have played like that from the beginning of this match! The last frame was won by Marco Fu, who also succeeded in hitting his first century break in this competition (107).
A very nice and well deserved victory for Fu, who is now in the top, with 6 points. On the other hand Ding’s run in this year’s Premier League ends here, for he has only 4 points and those are not enough to qualify for the semis. :-(

But the match of the evening was yet to come, as Ronnie O`Sullivan and Mark Williams were preparing to enter the arena. We saw a very determined "Rocket" as he told the reporter he wants to win and...by all means, he did! :-))
The fist two frames were Ronnie’s from bottom to the top. There’s no doubt about that, as he hit breaks of 98, 44 and 78 for a 2-0 lead and a beautiful start. 

O`Sullivan - happy for his first victory
In the third frame, time had come for Williams to score his first points. Yeah, you heard me well! Until that moment, the Welshman was sitting quietly in his chair just coming for two or three times at the table but being unable to pot a ball. At that point the scores looked something like 222-0 in favor of Ronnie. Can you imagine that? Pure madness! The Rocket was on fire!
So, I was telling you that Mark succeeded in scoring his first points, points that also meant he won his first frame for a 2-1 scoreline. However in the next frame “The Welsh Potting Machine" wasn’t as his best for a combo of mistakes and highly risks brought Ronnie to the table for a 70 break. At 74-38, Mark was in need of one snooker, but his second attempt failed so he decided to conceal the frame.

The fifth frame began with Mark missing a red using the rest and this giving O`Sullivan the opportunity to hit a 39 break. Still, "The Rocket" missed in potting a long red and so the odds seemed to favorite the Welshman. But he didn’t took full advantage of his position, as he only scored 15 points, no enough to overcome the next 50 break hit by "The Rocket". At 4-1, Ronnie had earned his 2 most wanted points!
However, Williams won the last frame with breaks of 34 and 40, for a final score of 4-2.
So, O`Sullivan is once again on the run for the semis and maybe even for the big final due to take place at the end of next month. It was a spectacular comeback and a very well deserved victory.

Next week the Premier League will reach the town of Weston-super-Mare, where another great four snooker players will fight for a place in the next round: Marco Fu v. Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy v. Mark Selby.

And since Marco Fu had such an amazing evening yesterday, we shall dedicate him this song: :-P


Premier League: The Rocket inregistreaza prima victorie

04:44:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Cue-Man-Fu este in top!
Inca o etapa a Premier League a luat sfarsit, caravana indreptandu-si deja pasii spre noua locatie, unde saptamana viitoare snooker-ul va fi din nou litera de lege. Meciurile cu care ne-am delectat seara trecuta au fost cele sustinute de: Marco Fu si Ding Junhui in prima parte si Ronnie O`Sullivan si Mark Williams in cea de-a doua. A fost o seara frumoasa, plina de tensiune, insa ce sa-i faci? Inca trei etape si se strang randurile pentru semifinale si marea finala de la sfarsitul lunii Noiembrie.

Dupa cum va spuneam, seara a inceput cu ciocnirea dintre Marco Fu si Ding Junhui. Aflati pe picior de egalitate, ambii avand acelasi punctaj, respectiv de 4 puncte, insa Ding fiind ceva mai presat intrucat era ultimul sau meci din Premier League, si prin urmare singura sansa de a mai strange ceva puncte. 
S-a inceput cu un 1-0 lejer adjudecat de Marco, cu break-uri de 11, 39 si 44 si s-a cam continuat in acelasi mod. Cel de-al doilea frame a debutat cu un break frumos de 42 de puncte executat de Fu. Ding a reusit sa inscrie o bila rosie destul de dificila si inca una neagra, s-a mai invartit putin pe la masa si a pus de un breakculetz de 17 puncte, intrucat a pierdut pozitia de atac. Momentul a fost intens valorificat de oponentul sau, care a reusit sa execute un "crossed double" cu o rosioara tare vioaie si sa inchida frame-ul cu un break de 39. Scorul ajungea sasdar la 2-0 in doar 26 de minute.

Urmatorul frame a inceput cu o serie de lovituri de siguranta, insa micutul Ding nu a reusit sa "ascunda" prea bine toate bilele, asa ca Marco a adunat zelos 19 puncte, pierzand in cele din urma pozitia datorita unui kick. Totusi, Ding nu a reusit sa inscrie nicio bila, lasandu-i calea libera contra-candidatului sau pentru un break de 13 si inca unul de 33. Scorul devenea 3-0, iar Ding nu mai putea spera decat la o remiza in acel moment. Si parea sa se intample, intrucat frame-ul cu numarul 4 a fost inceput in forta de "The Chinese Sensation". Insa, nu a durat mult pana cand a ratat sa inscrie o bila rosie, Fu revenind la masa pentru un break de 94 de puncte ce ii asigura victoria de meci.
Incepea sa miroasa a infrangere totala, ca si saptamana trecuta...iar Ding nu mai putea accepta sa fie umilit de doua ori, asa ca in frame-ul urmator a inscris un break frumos de 71 de puncte pentru 4-1. Ei, daca ar fi jucat asa de la inceput....ce bine ar fi fost!

Mark Williams nu a avut o seara prea norocoasa
Frame-ul final a fost adjudecat in plina glorie de omuleztul din Honk Kong cu un break de 107 (primul sau break de peste 100 de puncte din aceasta competitie). O victorie frumoasa pentru chinezut, care se vede astfel in topul preferatilor cu 6 puncte!
Din pacate pentru Ding, drumul sau in Premier League-ul din acest an se opreste aici, el neoptinand suficient de multe puncte pentru a merge mai departe. :-(

Cel de-al doilea meci al serii, si practic cel mai asteptat avea sa ii aduca impreuna pe Ronnie O`Sullivan si pe Mark Williams. Doi amici vechi in ale snooker-ului. Ronnie se afla in pozitia de "am nevoie disperata de o victorie", iar Mark  in cea de "hm...sunt in top, dar totusi n-ar strica cateva puncte in plus".
"The Rocket" a declarat raspicat in interviul de inceput ca este foarte hotarit sa castige, ceea ce a si facut ;-)
Si-a adjudecat primele doua frame-uri inscriind break-uri de 98, 44 si 78, pentru ca in cel de-al treilea sa vina timpul lui Mark sa inscrie primele puncte. Da, pana in al treilea frame, Mark a stat in scaun cumintel, venind doar de 2-3 ori la masa si neinscriind niciun punct! Pana ca Mark sa sparga gheata puntajul arata 222-0 in favoarea lui Ronnie!!! Fenomenal!

Asaaaa, si dupa cum va spuneam Mark isi inscria primele puncte, puncte ce l-au si ajutat de altfel sa castige frame-ul. Dar in runda urmatoare "The Welsh Potting Machine" nu s-a mai descurcat la fel de bine, un combo de ratari si riscuri prea mari i-a oferit lui Ronnie ocazia de a veni la masa pentru un break de 70. Cei doi s-au razboit in lovituri de siguranta pana ce scorul arata 74-38 pentru "The Rocket". Asadar, Mark nu avea nevoie decat de un snooker. A incercat, insa a cea de-a doua tentativa de realizare i-a esuat, motiv pentru care a cedat meciul pentru 3-1.

O`Sullivan, fericit pentru prima victorie
Cel de-al cincilea frame a fost deschis de Mark, care insa a ratat sa inscrie o bila rosie cu ajutorul sprijinului. Ronnie a profitat de ocazie pentru a inregistra un break de 39 insa a ratat o lovitura de distanta. Parea sansa mult visata pentru Williams, care insa nu a profitat din plin de ea, inscriind doar un mic break de 15 puncte, insuficient pentru a-l combate pe cel de 50 ce urma a fi realizat de O`Sullivan. Scorul devenea 4-1, iar Ronnie deja incasase cele 2 puncte de care avea atata nevoie!
Ultimul frame a fost castigat insa de galez cu break-uri de 34 si 40 de puncte. Scor final 4-2!
Un meci frumos, antrenant, din care Ronnie a iesit  invingator! Are momentan 5 puncte, ceea ce il aseaza  in fruntea clasamentului.

Saptamana viitoare ne vom opri la Weston-super-Mare pentru meciurile Marco Fu vs. Neil Robertson si Shaun Murphy vs. Mark Selby. ;-)

Si pentru ca ar fi frumos si un cantecel, cel de azi i-l dedic lui Marco Fu, pentru magistrala victorie :-)


Only the best for the 2011 Masters

16:57:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Mark Selby, the 2010 Masters champion
The best 16 players in the world will make up the field of snooker's most celebrated invitation event, The Masters, in January.
The tournament will feature the sport’s in-form players, as the new rolling ranking system gave the chance for all professionals to strive for a place in the top 16 ahead of the seeding cut-off point, which fell earlier this month.

A spokesman for World Snooker said: “The Masters is all about prestige, it’s an invitation event for the very best, and we’ve got all of the elite players in the line-up. To ensure that all the in-form players are there, if a player from outside the top 16 wins the UK Championship in December, we will award him a wild card entry into the tournament.

“It’s going to be a glorious eight days of snooker and the atmosphere at Wembley Arena is like no other venue. We’re urging all snooker fans, and those who want to find out what the sport is all about, to get their tickets booked for what is one of the most thrilling events on the sporting calendar.”

The tournament runs from January 9 to 16, 2011, at Wembley Arena, and as it stands the first round matches are:

Sunday, January 9
Mark Selby v Mark King
Ali Carter v Peter Ebdon

Monday, January 10
Mark Williams v Ding Junhui
John Higgins v Graeme Dott

Tuesday, January 11
Ronnie O'Sullivan v Mark Allen
Stephen Maguire v Marco Fu

Wednesday, January 12
Neil Robertson v Stephen Hendry
Shaun Murphy v Jamie Cope

Source: worldsnooker.com


Doar cei mai buni pentru Masters-ul din 2011

16:56:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Mark Selby, campionul Masters 2010
Intr-un articol recent publicat pe site-ul baietilor de la World Snooker, se anunta ca Masters-ul de anul viitor va avea ca protagonisti doar "la crème de la crème", adica cu alte cuvinte jucatorii ce intra in top 16. In materie de invitati (a se citi wildcard-uri) se cam trage linie. Exista totusi si o exceptie, daca cumva cineva din afara top-ului 16 va castiga UK Championship-ul din Decembrie anul curent, atunci acel cineva va primi si o invitatie sa joace in cadrul Masters-ului din Ianuarie.
Dar iata, mai pe larg si intregul articol.

Cei mai buni 16 jucatori din lume sunt si cei care vor lua parte la unul dintre cele mai sarbatorite evenimente din lumea snooker-ului mondial, si anume Masters-ul din luna Ianuarie. Turneul va cuprinde cei mai in forma jucatori ai momentului, care datorita noului sistem de punctare, au reusit sa intre in top 16 dupa revizuirea clasamentului general ce a avut loc la inceputul acestei luni.

Un purtator de cuvant al World Snooker, a declarat:
"Masters-ul inseamna prestigiu, o invitatie acordata celor mai buni si tocmai de aceea avem lista elitelor inscrise in aceasta competitie. Ca sa ne asiguram insa ca toti jucatorii in forma vor avea sansa sa participe la acest eveniment, daca UK Championship-ul din decembrie va fi castigat de cineva din afara top-ului 16, atunci il vom invita sa ia parte si la acest turneu."

"Vor fi opt zile de snooker de-a dreptul glorioase, iar atmosfera de la Wembley Arena nu se compara cu nici o alta. Le recomandam fanilor si celor care vor sa afle mai multe despre acest sport sa isi cumpere cat mai repede bilete pentru unul dintre cele mai emotionante si palpitante evenimente din calendarul sportiv."

Competitia incepe in data de 9 Ianuarie 2011 si ia sfarsit pe data de 16, fiind gazduita ca de obicei de Wemblay Arena. Si iata cum arata si grila de joc:

Duminica, 9 Ianuarie
13:30 (ora UK)
Mark Selby vs. Mark King
19:00 (ora UK)
Ali Carter vs. Peter Ebdon

Luni, 10 Ianuarie 
13:30 (ora UK)
Mark Williams vs. Ding Junhui
19:00 (ora UK)
John Higgins vs. Graeme Dott

Marti, 11 Ianuarie
13:30 (ora UK)
Ronnie O'Sullivan vs. Mark Allen
19:00 (ora UK)
Stephen Maguire vs. Marco Fu

Miercuri, 12 Ianuarie
14:00 (ora UK)
Neil Robertson vs. Stephen Hendry
19:00 (ora UK)
Shaun Murphy vs. Jamie Cope

Sursa: worldsnooker.com


The Premier League caravan reaches Penrith

04:59:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Tonight we stay in Penrith
With only three more stops to go and the seventh being tonight, the Premier League is making history all around the country. This time it will make a one night stop to the medieval "flavored" town of Penrith, Cumbria. So the big crowd gathered for this event as well as all the viewers from all around the globe will have a chance to see another four great names playing wonderful snooker: Marco Fu will take on Ding Junhui and Ronnie O`Sullivan will take on Mark Williams.

But before I start to review every player’s run in this competition let’s take a look at the chart, as I like to call it. We know that every player receives points for playing in the Premier League and in the end the top 4 will have a secure place in the semis. For a victory you get 2 points, for a draw 1 point and for losing a match....you get nothing ;-)) So, until this moment, the rankings look something like this: the first place (meaning the one who has more points) is being occupied by the Welsh Mark Williams with 5 points, closely followed by Ding Junhui, Marco Fu and Mark Selby with 4 points each. At the bottom we find Shaun Murphy, Ronnie O`Sullivan and Neil Robertson with 3 points each; sure these guys still have matches to play so they have time to get back on track, but that won’t be an easy task.
So, these being said, I hope you realise that we have a big night in front of us, with great snooker and...quite a battle for points, I dare to say! :-P

The evening will start with the match between "Cue-Man-Fu" and "The Chinese Sensation". Both players have the same number of points, but both of them want more, so this will get interesting!

Marco Fu will take on Ding Junhui
Ding started this competition with a dreadful defeat suffered in the match played against Shaun Murphy 5-1, but he tried to recover by hitting two draws; first with Ronnie O`Sullivan and second with Mark Williams. The victory against Mark Selby, 4-2 seemed to write his comeback in the real competition, but two weeks later he was whitewashed 6-0, by the current world champion Neil Robertson. It was a hard lesson and it really messed up with his confidence. So much, that the little guy lost 4-0 in his first EPTC 3 event match, played against his fellow-country, Liang Wenbo. So, he needs to pick himself up the ground and prove he is what we all know he is - a terrific snooker player. This will be his last match in the Premier League, so he needs a victory in order to keep his hopes up in reaching the semifinals.

Marco Fu, didn’t start the competition by being a big favorite, but he proved to play quite good against all the great names from the snooker business. He made a draw with Ronnie O`Sullivan, won 4-2 the match against Shaun Murphy, but lost 5-1 the next one, in front of Mark Selby, only to score yet another draw with Mark Williams. A pretty twisted run for the Hong Kong cue man, but one which have brought him 4 precious points. Still, he also needs a victory tonight so it will be definitely interesting to watch what will happen with the two Chinese guys. ;-)

The second match of the evening is the big clash of "The Rocket" and "The Welsh Potting Machine". A match that you are not allowed to miss! Mark my words! :-))
Ronnie might be easily named "The King of draws" for he played in three matches and all of them ended on a draw. This is good, for it means that he didn’t lose, but on the other hand he didn’t win either, so those 3 points he gained are not enough to secure him a place in the semis. Of course he has two more matches to play, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here; the man is in a desperate need of a victory!

O`Sullivan v. Williams - The titans` clash

The problem with Ronnie is that you don’t know what to expect from him. If he gets upset for not succeeding in winning a match, he either gets suddenly motivated and rocks around that snooker table like no one , either he closes up and refuses to play at his best. Let’s hope that he will put aside any bad moods he might have and he will play great snooker, for he really deserves to reach the final stages of this tournament. He won it for five years on a row, until last year, so he might just do it again, for this is his type or competition - the fast and the furious type! :-))

Mark Williams had a very good start in this year’s Premier League, for he won 4-2 the match against Mark Selby, but after that he continued with three draws (Ding Junhui, Neil Robertson and Marco Fu). Still, that means he never lost a match and that’s good, that’s what put him in the top. But he also needs to gain some more points in order to book himself a place in the semis. He has only one match left to play, beside this so it would be great for him to earn some more points tonight.
So, another match in which both players need a victory, and when those two are ones of the greatest snooker players, then we definitely have to watch them, right? :-))

Be sure to tune in tonight at 7:30 pm on SkySports 2, for your share of great and LIVE snooker! Premier League, baby! :-)))
And for those of you who don’t have this programme, here are the links you can use to watch the snooker:
1st link
2nd link (here you`ll have to chose Premier League Snooker from the list)

May you have a very pleasant night my little snooker "termites" and see you tomorrow for some Premier League gossips! :-))


Caravana Premier League ajunge la Penrith

04:58:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

In asta seara, caravana opreste in Penrith
Cea de-a saptea oprire a caravanei snooker-ului de Premier League va avea loc in orasul englezesc Penrith din regiunea Cumbria chiar in aceasta seara. Ne apropiem cu pasi repezi de etapele finale ale acestei minunate competitii, practic doar trei opriri si suntem in semifinale! Asa ca meciurile devin adevarate batalii, iar jucatorii adevarati gladiatori dispusi sa joace pana si ultima carte (a se citi bila) pentru a aduna cat mai multe puncte. :-P
Si pentru ca tot veni vorba despre puntaje, eu zic ca ar fi indicat sa vedem cine a fost cel mai harnic, nu? :-))
Clasamentul incepe cu galezul Mark Williams care ocupa momentan pozitia fruntasa cu 5 p., urmat de chinezii Ding Junhui si Marco Fu cu 4 p. fiecare, dar si de Mark Selby tot cu 4 p. Ceva mai saracuti, cu 3 p. la bord, sunt Shaun Murphy, Ronnie O`Sullivan si Neil Robertson. Destul timp insa pentru ultimii numiti sa mai recupereze din handicap, intrucat mai au meciuri de disputat.

Dar sa ne reintoarcem la aceasta seara, caci minunatul oras cu iz medieval Penrith va avea ocazia sa fie gazda pentru 4 nume mari din snooker: Marco Fu, Ding Junhui, Ronnie O`Sullivan si Mark Williams. Iar snooker-ul clar va fi la inaltime avand in vedere ca micutii chinezi se vor razboi intre ei, iar Anglia isi va intersecta tacurile cu Tara Galilor. O asemenea portie de snooker nu trebuie ratata! It`s a must! ;-)

Seara va debuta asa cum va spuneam, cu marea ciocnire dintre cei doi chinezuti, "Cue-Man-Fu" si "The Chinese Sensation". Cei doi impart acelasi podium in clasamentul provizoriu, insa dupa ultimele rezultate inregistrate de amandoi, acest meci se anunta plin de scantei.
Dupa cum stiti Dingushor a pasit catinel, catinel in Premire League primind "in plina figura" (iertata-mi fie exprimarea grobiana) o infrangere de 5-1, semnata Shaun Murphy. Si-a revenit insa destul de rapid, pentru a incheia doua remize de 3-3, prima cu Ronnie "The Rocket" O`Sullivan si cea de-a doua cu Mark Williams si continuand cu o extraodinara victorie in fata lui Mark Selby cu 4-2.

Marco si Ding se lupta pentru un posibil loc in semifinale
Insa saptamana trecuta, zeita norocului l-a cam parasit pe micutul chinez, care s-a vazut pus la zid cu un 6-0 magistral, executat de campionul mondial en-titre Neil Robertson. A fost o infrangere dura pentru Ding, o infrangere pentru care s-a impotrivit cat a putut, insa pe care nu a putut sa o dovedeasca. Si ca drept urmare, cu un moral destul de debusolat si ravasit, a fost eliminat incat din primul meci al competitiei EPTC 3, din acest weekend, cu scorul izbitor de 4-0, de catre co-nationalul sau Liang Wenbo.
Sa speram insa ca Ding isi va reveni si va fi destul de motivat in aceasta seara pentru a juca la adevara-i valoare, pe care toti o stim si de care nu ne-am indoit nicio clipa.

La polul opus, rezidentul Hong Kong-ian, Marco Fu a pornit in aceasta competitie cu o remiza in fata aceluiasi Ronnie O`Sullivan, urmata de o victorie frumoasa de 4-2 in fata lui Shaun Murphy, victorie pe care insa a contra-balansat-o cu pierderea meciului sustinut impotriva lui Mark Selby cu 5-1, pentru ca in final sa mai incaseze inca un punct pentru remiza obtinuta in meciul jucat cu Mark Williams. Tragand linie, per ansambru Fu nu s-a descurcat deloc prost in aceasta competitie si cred ca a creat ceva valva pe la casele de pariuri ce nu il vedeau favorit. ;-)
Pentru a merge mai departe, Marco are nevoie de o victorie, insa nici Ding nu o duce mai bine (mai ales ca aceasta va fi si ultimul sau meci). Asadar lupta va fi acerba!

Meciul cu numarul doi, ii va reuni pe "The Rocket" si pe "The Welsh Potting Machine". Deci, sa mai continui ca va fi un meci de prima clasa? :-P 

O`Sullivan vs. Williams - Oare cine va iesi invingator?
Cred ca deja stiti ca Ronnie este cel care a castigat 5 titluri consecutive de Premier League, sir intrerupt insa anul trecut cand Shaun Murphy a ridicat trofeul. Si mai stiti ca Ronnie al nostru a mers din remiza in remiza in aceasta competitie, cel putin pana in momentul de fata. Remiza cu Marco Fu, remiza cu Ding Junhui, remiza cu Shaun Murphy. Un tipar ce trebuie rupt si rupt in aceasta seara, daca englezul isi doreste sa mai ajunga in semifinale si chiar in marea finala. Problematic este ca in cazul lui Ronnie nu prea sti la ce sa te astepti, pentru ca atunci cand se vede condus, fie devine automat motivat si roieste in jurul mesei inscriind bila dupa bila, fie se enerveaza ca un copil si refuza sa mai joace la adevarata lui capacitate. Totusi, cred ca ar fi necesar sa mai lase "enervozarea" acasa si sa se apuce de castigat meciuri. Mai are 3 (incluzandu-l pe acesta) asa ca sunt sanse de revenire bunicele...atat timp cat isi doreste! ;-)

Mark Williams a inceput in forta aceasta competitie, obtinand inca din primul meci o victorie de 4-2 in fata tizului sau, Mark Selby, insa a continuat cu trei remize (Ding Junhui, Neil Robertson si Marco Fu). Asta inseamna ca nu a pierdut niciun meci, motiv pentru care se afla in top si totusi, trei remize si o victorie nu sunt suficiente pentru a-i asigura un loc in semifinale. Mai are doar un meci de jucat, peste doua saptamani, asadar in aceasta seara si el se afla in pozitia de a cauta o victorie.
Ronnie si Mark se cunosc de multa vreme si s-au duelat cu tacurile de nenumarate ori, show-ul generat fiind unul de-a dreptul delicios pentru publicul amator de snooker, asa ca nici aceasta seara nu va face exceptie. Ambii isi doresc o victorie si ambii vor lupta pentru ea cu armele proprii. 

Asa ca dragii mei amatori de rontait snooker, va invit ca de la ora 21:30 (ora Romaniei) sa comutati televizoarele pe SkySports 2 pentru un festin de snooker LIVE!
Mai jos gasiti si link-urile pentru cei care nu au in dotare acest program in grila (adica pentru majoritatea :-P)
link 1
link 2 (aici va trebui sa selectati din lista Premier League Snooker)

Vizionare placuta si ne revedem maine pentru impresii si comentarii! :-)


The 2010 Paul Hunter English Open picked its champion

04:35:00 Ramona Dragomir 6 Comments

Courtesy of Mr. Steve Starkie
Last week I was telling you about the Paul Hunter English Open tournament and what a beautiful occasion this is to play snooker. The competition is held every year in Leeds at the Northern Snooker Centre; this year’s qualifying round took place between 11-14 October with the official event starting on October 18 and ending on October 20. Amateurs and professional snooker player all around the country but also from all around the globe tried to show to the whole world why they deserve to lift the trophy.
In the end, the one who succeeded was a young boy whose name has a very musical sonority - Robbie Williams. :-) The youngster from Liverpool defeated all his opponents and proved that the fact that he is not yet a professional doesn’t mean he’s not as strong or as talented as the rest of the players.

The Last 16 round didn’t see any tight battles, except for the one between Craig Steadman and Stephen Craigie, ended on a 5-4 score for Stephen and the one between Adam Duffy and James Silverwood, ended on the same 5-4 result for Adam.
Daniel Wells booked himself a nice place in the quarter-finals after crashing Gareth Green by a 5-0 scoreline, Robbie Williams beat the EPTC 1 runner-up, Matt Couch 5-2, Kuldesh Johal followed his example by defeating John Asthley with the same score, Jamie Barret won 5-3 over David Grace, Peter Lines saw his dreams crashed after losing 2-5 to Chris Norbury and Robert Valiant left the competition after being beat 3-5 by Andrew Norman.

The first part of the quarter-finals looked something like this: Daniel Wells said "bye,bye" after losing 3-5 to Robbie Williams and Kuldesh Johal continued his road to the semis, beating Jamie Barret 5-2.
The second part of the quarter-finals... now that’s where things got very interesting, for it was a total whitewash. Stephen Craigie eliminated Chirs Norbury 5-0, as well as Andrew Norman kicked Adam Duffy’s ass by the same result.
The ones who made it through the big final were, Robbie Williams (obviously :-P), after defeating Kuldesh Johan 5-3 and Stephen Craige, after winning 5-2 over Andrew Norman.

As the final started there was not doubt that the pressure was rising and the stress accumulated in competition was making itself noticed. A battle between a fresh 2008 turned pro player - Stephen Craigie and a yet to become one- Robbie Williams. The match ended on a 6-4 score, in favor of Robbie, who also hit an amazing 137 break to make it clear who rocked around the snooker table better :-))
In the picture above you can see R. Williams on the left, Mr. Steve Starkie in the middle and S. Craigie on the right.

Here, you have the century breaks list: Chris Norbury (101), Jeff Cundy (107), Nick Jennings (109), Ian Burns (112) and Robbie Williams (128,137).
And here, you can check all the results.

So, one more time the Paul Hunter English Open picked its winner from a crowd of very talented and ambitious snooker players. With a lot of hard work, tenacity and faith Robbie succeeded in lifting this year’s trophy and chasing the £ 2,000. Not enormous prize money, but I’m sure that the unique character of this tournament compensates everything. If we were to consider the tradition of this competition and the fact that in 2007 it was renamed after a great star of snooker, then the result will be an event very close to the souls of the people which live for this sport. :-)
The Referee’s Director from the English Association of Snooker & Billiards, Mr. Daniel Lewis shared with us his thoughts on this competition: "This is an excellent tournament which brings together all of the best amateurs in the British Isles, together with a number of Professionals and a 'sprinkling' of overseas Snooker stars from India and the continent."
I couldn’t agree more!

I don’t want to end this article without giving my sincere thanks to the Director of the PHEN tournament and referee, Mr. Steve Starkie and to the recent mentioned Mr. Daniel Lewis, for all their support in putting together this humble article.
Many congratulations to this year’s PHEN champion, Robbie Williams, but also to all of the other participants!

And to end this in a funny way, here’s Robbie during his "canto" years :-)))