Five years without Paul Hunter

17:45:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Five years ago Paul Hunter was heading to the stars, a world that, most of the time, is beyond our understanding. The world of snooker has lost one of his greatest talents and the world has lost one of the most wonderful and caring men. 

I've never known what to write when a person that was, is and will always be admired and loved is no longer with us. The words seems empty, the sentences seem to follow a pattern, only the feelings make the difference ... 

It's weird how poor is the snooker world without him, although there are so many wonderful players and the standard is so high these days. We still miss him, we still remember the days when he ruled the world of snooker, his charismatic smile, his special and unique way of treating the fans, his passion for the game. 

I didn't know Paul personally, but I truly believe he loved life and I know he was a very lovely person. So, I dare to say we should remember him with a smile upon our faces. For what he did for snooker, for what he accomplished as a player and a human being. 
I think he would have liked that ... so after five years of not having him with us let's raise our eyes to the sky, send him a smile and thank him for giving us so many wonderful moments.

Paul Hunter - always in our hearts!