Happy 5 years!

16:03:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

On July 21st 2010, somewhere around midnight I was writing my first ever article about snooker, or about how I will start blogging about snooker ... either way, you get the point.

Still a novice to this sport, but with a huge passion for it and what it stands for I started a journey that has brought me so many rewards, friends, unique meetings, but most importantly the feeling that I was part of something big.

Back then I had no idea that I was starting at a perfect time. Barry Hearn was just taking over snooker and everything was going to change ... and for the better. Better for the players, but also for us who have been supporting snooker through regularly covering tournaments, writing about certain events, news and so on.

But enough with the emotional stuff! SML blog is five years old!!!! Can you believe it?! Because I sure can't! 

Not in my wildest dreams I would have thought that the "snooker virus" will get to me so badly (badly in a good way, of course). It's been amazing nonetheless and I don't know why but I'm experiencing this strange feeling that it's just getting started.

Today my thanks go to so many people that I would probably have to write 10 blog posts just so everyone gets a mention. Don't worry, I won't be doing that ... probably you got bored and stopped reading this bid after the first sentence, anyway.

But I do genuinely want to thank you. After five years you, my readers, know that I'm a softy and I do mean it when I say thank you and also that this blog wouldn't be the same without you. To hell with it, it wouldn't even exist!

It goes without saying that my sincere thanks also go to my fellow bloggers. You know how much of an inspiration you are to me (well, maybe I never said it, so here it is) and how much I cherish your support and camaraderie. 

I've always felt that we have been more like a community of people trying to get snooker known through our writings, rather than in a competition of who gets to publish the first article about a certain subject or get a scoop.

Not that could ever compete with my fellow bloggers from the UK for example, for my English is still shite! :-))

My special family from Twitter (you know who you are): thank you so much for taking me in. I feel like the luckiest "orphan" on earth! hehe

So this is it snooker loopies! I am celebrating five years of snooker bliss and hopping for more to come. And as I said it before, may we celebrate the 50th year of existence of SML blog in space!!! - Barry Hearn you better not steal my idea!